Reiki & The Menopause

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative therapy called energy healing, the word Reiki meaning, ‘life force energy’. As we go through life our bodies energy system can become blocked affecting our well-being on a spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical level. Reiki is a beautiful and unique treatment with so many benefits for everyone, at all life stages, including all stages of the menopause to help relieve symptoms and promote relaxation.

All women will go through the menopause at some point, which is defined as the end of monthly cycles. It’s generally accepted that you have gone through the menopause when you have not had a period for over a year, although this is not a definitive diagnosis. A woman’s body undergoes a wide range of changes over many years – a decade or more – before you become post-menopausal. The average age for a woman to go through the menopause is 51.7 years, but the perimenopause can start more than a decade earlier! Many women begin to experience menopausal symptoms in their early to mid 40’s but fail to realise these changes are the start of the menopause. With DECADES to deal with, the menopause needs more attention, as it is getting; in the media, in the workplace, and so on… but individually, this is something we each need to get up to speed on. There are common symptoms, but we are all unique and so our experiences will be too. Hence why becoming more in tune with your body / energy is a must, to know what is different, changing for you.

Some of the signs to look out for…     

  • Hair thinning, loss, dryness
  • Tinnitus
  • Dry eyes, dry skin, acne, facial hair
  • Dry or burning mouth, gum problems
  • Mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability, panic attacks, brain fog and memory loss/lapses
  • Disrupted sleep, fatigue, dizzy spells, headaches and migraines
  • Sore breasts, abdominal bloating, constipation, weight gain
  • Hot flushes, night sweats, irregular heartbeat and palpitations
  • Irregular/heavy periods, stress incontinence, loss of libido, UTI’s, vaginal dryness/soreness
  • Increased allergies, restless leg syndrome, itchy skin, brittle nails, stiff/aching joints and muscles

Knowledge is POWER!

This stage of life with so many changes, you can very easily feel out of control. Changes are going to happen, that is fact. So, to manage and stay in control as much as you can, knowledge and understanding of your body, your symptoms is a must. A great time to look at different aspects of your lifestyle, to start to focus on your well-being more so – mind, body, soul. Exploring natural approaches to manage symptoms; exercising / changing your routine, reviewing your diet, taking supplements and herbal remedies, and adopting mental wellness practices can all support your transition, alongside taking HRT… if this is your approach. It is your journey, and doing what is right and best for you, is the right thing to do.    

A holistic approach…

  • Focus on the positives. Reducing / cutting out things detrimental to wellbeing, such as caffeine and alcohol, that can trigger and heighten symptoms such as insomnia, hot flushes, inflammation, low mood and brain fog. Try herbal teas that can aid relaxation / sleep and alcohol-free drinks.
  • Create calm. Explore mindful practices to manage mental health, reduce stress and create calm. There are so many ways you can do this, and it’s very individual. Try different techniques, activities, treatments and see what works for you… meditation, breathing exercises, aromatherapy massage, essential oils, herbal remedies, holistic therapies; acupuncture, sound healing, and of course… Reiki 😊   
  • Exercise. It’s common for exercise to be minimal around this time of life for lots of women as work/life are main priority. Putting yourself/health at the bottom of the priority list. Bone density decreases and weight gain is common. Exercise supports weight management and prolongs degeneration. Strength training being of high importance throughout all later stages of life. For those exercising frequently at high intensities, it might be that you need to tone it down a notch to lessen impact on joints. Focus on strength, function and mobility. Yoga is a great form of exercise to add in to your routine at this stage of life for the above and for grounding and relaxation elements. Exercise is an area that I could go on and on about… this being my main occupation, working as a PT and exercise referral instructor. I work with clients daily, supporting them to improve and manage various health conditions through exercising. The benefits of being active are so vast! This should definitely be a biggie on the priority list.
  • Eat for optimal health. Nutrition plays a vital role in health throughout life, more so throughout the menopause. Oestrogen has a cardio-protective effect on the heart and vascular system, which is why women are less likely to experience heart disease than men. When levels decline after the menopause, there’s a rapid rise in cardiovascular disease, which is a key contributor to female morbidity and mortality in later years. Eating for optimal health is so important; to boost brain, heart, bone and gut health. Eating more natural, unprocessed foods, plants and leafy greens, pulses, nuts and seeds, omega 3, vitamins C and E… keep it fresh and colourful, eat a rainbow.            

Reiki is a reset, release and re-balancing of your energy.  

Benefits of Reiki throughout menopause…

  • Eases physical symptoms, joint aches and pains.
  • Promotes relaxation, creating calm, the space to breathe and be.
  • Supports emotional well-being, balancing energy.
  • Supports mental well-being, easing stress and anxiety.

Many clients that have regular Reiki sessions to manage symptoms say that they feel better able to deal with things that would usually cause them stress and anxiety. That Reiki has eased pressures they were feeling, and in many ways changed their outlook and mindset. Giving them the space to pause and think more clearly.

Like a broken record… I’ll never stop banging on about how powerful Reiki is… mind-blowing miracle stuff!!    

Reiki Bookings…

Book sessions via the GymCatch app. If you download the app you’ll see session days, times and availability.

Sessions cost £33 x 1 hour

Get £5 off your first session with the discount code: Reiki#1

50% off first session for NHS, emergency services and armed forces (get in touch to book with this offer)

50% off first session and £5 off every session after for Lancashire Carers with the go2 Discount Card (get in touch to book with this offer)

Click this link to view the GymCatch app

Click this link to read an info booklet and find out more about Reiki and The Reiki Room

Useful links / info…

BHF – Nutrition for Heart Health

Menopause – NHS (

Menopause Matters, menopausal symptoms, remedies, advice

Natural Menopause – Herbal Remedies, Aromatherapy, CBT, Nutrition, Exercise, HRT…for Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond (Book)

balance – balance app (

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