Reiki – My Experience

If you’d have said to me, I would be into Reiki, so much so that I would study and practice it, a few years ago, I most likely would’ve laughed and said no way… that’s way too spiritual and out there for me. It sounds insane!! But… here I am, a complete convert, believer, and pusher of this incredible healing. I can’t put into words what it has done for me, it’s too big!! It’s saved me.

Everyone experiences multiple traumas and tough times in their life, but for me, the most recent/impacting (and reason why I tried Reiki in the first place) were experiencing an abusive relationship and having a miscarriage. I told a good friend where my head was at (a dark place!), and the next day she bought me a Reiki session… quite literally the greatest gift, one I’ll be eternally grateful for… thanks G! ❤  

I’ve experienced other events that have caused trauma too, like most people; grief, losing loved ones and family, work and general life stress. Everything we experience leaves a scar (trauma is the wound you sustain from the event/experience), has a lasting impact, builds up… whether you realise/accept that or not. Healing is necessary, in whatever form works best for you, it might be a multitude of different therapies. That has been the case for me, and it’s been a long-haul thing (years!). I hit my rock bottom, was hanging on by a thread, and decided to do everything and anything to heal… I was open to it all (still am). I got my power back (and some!! 😉 ). Reiki is incredibly powerful, in many ways unbelievable and indescribable. You just have to experience it.

No two Reiki sessions I have had, have been the same. When I started having Reiki, sessions were really intense, highly emotional and vivid with colours and visions, I would feel and see. Because I had a lot of intense trauma to heal and release. At present every session I have is calm and more serene, like hitting the reset button. I practice it on myself a couple of times a week, and regularly have sessions with my Reiki Master (guru) and good friend, Jane. But I know as life goes on, I will experience more trauma and tough times, and Reiki will give me whatever level of healing I need at that time. This form of therapy and healing is now a constant.

The first step in healing from anything, is wanting to heal. Being open and ready. Wanting it for yourself, your health and well-being. If you decide to give Reiki a go, try your best to breathe, relax, and let go throughout the session, and let your spirit guides do the rest.

Reiki healing is truly the best! I’m excited to see where my journey with practicing it leads…

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